By Their Royal Highnesses, King Buzz and King Newt

a Proclamation

Once upon a time there were two valiant princes named Buzz and Newt.  On the anniversary of Their births, they invited brave knights and fair maidens far and near to celebrate.

Their sovereign majesties King Ken and Queen Cindy along with Princes Buzz and Newt of Barclay extend this invitation on this most joyous of occasions to noble knights and fair maidens across the land.
The festival will take place from one o'clock until five o'clock on the afternoon of the 8th of October in the year two thousand and eleven in Prospect Park on Congress Street in the Shire of Troy. Celebrate with a medieval feast and partake of games of bravery and skill.
The favor of a reply is requested by October 4th to proclaim yea or nay (call or use the link on the right).  If desired come dressed in royal finery as fitting a Lady or Lord of the realm.
The young Princes will be bestowing items upon the Food Bank in honor of this occasion but they truly wish only for the honor of your presence and  have asked not for gifts.

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